You are here: FAQ > Documaker Standard Edition FAQ > Miscellaneous Issues > Are XML extract files “well-formed”?

Are XML extract files “well-formed”?

A well-formed or valid XML file is one that is built following all applicable XML conventions. You can view well-formed XML files in any XML editor. A well-formed XML file would contain a discrete entity, in this case, a single transaction.

Since extract files typically contain more than one transaction, appended one after another, and include Documaker-related tags, this kind of XML extract file is not considered well-formed. It would, however, feed transaction information into the rules processing engine, which is generally the main concern.

If you need to have well-formed XML files, you should output each transaction as a separate XML file. Your extract file would then be a simple flat-file that contains key information and a list of XML file names that correspond to the XML transaction files. To summarize, for Documaker, you can use these types of XML extract files:




Contains Documaker tags?

Requires flat file index?

Use with this rule

Single transaction




XMLFileExtract rule with the SCH (schedule) option

Multiple transaction





See the Rules Reference for more information on these rules.